Monday, September 19, 2011

QAC has a new Bob-Law-Blog

Hello there QACers!

Welcome to the wondrous new CalArts Queer Arts Collective Blog! Here is the update and soon I'll post images from last semester's big Queer Camp-out event. 

1) Who, me?: a little tidbit about ourselves that is repeated word-for-word in our About Me column over there ---> (haha)

2) First Meeting and FREE PIZZA!: need I say more.

3) October 11: National Coming Out Day - Chris Vargas Screening

4) Upcoming QAC Group Show: prepare.

Feel free to contact us through Scott, until we get out calarts email running again:
scottoshima AT



1) Intro: 
CalArts Queer Arts Collective (QAC) is a fancy collection of artists from all mediums and schools of CalArts, creating work, ideas and community. While we're clearly a queer-centered collective (or LGBTIQQSSA or ABCDEFG or whatever floats your boat), we invite all queer-friendly and friendly-in-general folk to take part in this safe community. 

2) Meetings:
Our first meeting (with FREE PIZZA) for the year is 
Tuesday, Sept 27 - 12noon in Tatum Cafe
And meetings will continue every Tuesday until the end of time and space as we know it. We will be introducing, making friends and possible discussing the following two items:

3) National Coming Out Day: Oct 11 - Chris Vargas Screening
We should start planning as soon as we can. We are already in talks of screening Chris Vargas and Greg Youman's queer/trans video sitcom. Check it out:

4) QAC Show:
Our annual QAC Group Show is coming up! It usually takes place around Halloween in late October-early November. We can talk about it on a political and conceptual level (what does it mean to have a queer art show, what does it mean to self-identify as a queer artist, should it be curated, etc) and on a silly level (opening reception food?). ¡Que fancy!